Skills Test Reviews & CDL Refresher Courses
Are you looking for a professonal Truck Driving School?
Visit Springs Truck Driving School Today @
or give them a call @ 719-338-1550.
Extended business hours
We have extended our hours to serve you better.
Special Facebook Promotion!
Like us on Facebook and get $25 off your CDL skills test!
Just go on line to: Facebook/ Colorado CDL Testing
We are excited to announce our expansion! To serve you better, we are moving our new CDL Skills test facility to 6550 Mark Dabling Boulevard.
Give us a call at 719-338-1022.
We have teamed up with Springs Truck Driving School to offer in depth training and test reviews.
Springs Truck Driving School has developed three levels of Skills Test Reviews surely to fit your budget. Contact Them at 719-338-1550 or go on line to,
Here At 3rd Party CDL Test, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our customer experience.
Expanded business hours
We have changed our business hours to serve you better. We are now open from .
Special Facebook Promotion!
Like us on Facebook and get $25.00 off your CDL Skills Test
Just go to Colorado CDL testing on face book & Like us today..